Friday, 30 September 2016


Morning cloudy. Clearing off brush to widen the road. Halled up the cedar poles for the shed in the evening with C. Ryan's oxen.

(Diary: Fitzgerald McCleery, Vancouver 1862-1866)


Morning cloudy. Went to the hill to cut shakes for the shed. Frosty in the evening.

(Diary: Fitzgerald McCleery, Vancouver 1862-1866)

Wednesday, 28 September 2016


Morning fine. Went up to town on the horse to get him shod and see Mr. Armstrong. Went out to the camp. Called to see Mr. Jameson, bought a pair of boots. Heavy rain.

(Diary: Fitzgerald McCleery, Vancouver 1862-1866)

Tuesday, 27 September 2016


Morning fine. Getting out posts and rafters for a shed. Samuel and I packed them out in the evening. Evening frosty.

(Diary: Fitzgerald McCleery, Vancouver 1862-1866)


Weather fine. Building a hous for the pig, bought two from Uncle at 2 1/2 dollars each. Putting a fence around the hay stack.

(Diary: Fitzgerald McCleery, Vancouver 1862-1866)  (photo: CVA 1897)

Sunday, 25 September 2016


Morning showery. Did not go to church. Went over to Uncle's. Went out with the horse to look after the cattle. Evening fine. 

(Diary: Fitzgerald McCleery, Vancouver 1862-1866)

Saturday, 24 September 2016


Morning wet. Samuel went up to town with butter. Went up with Martin in the boat. Chopping firewood.

(Diary: Fitzgerald McCleery, Vancouver 1862-1866)


Morning cloudy. Samuel over at Uncle's milking the cows. Sawing a cedar for shakes. Samuel over in the meeting.

(Diary: Fitzgerald McCleery, Vancouver 1862-1866)

Thursday, 22 September 2016


Morning cloudy. Uncle went up town with the scow for the cows. Samuel went over to milk for him. Sawing cedar for shakes. G.B. down from Cariboo.

(Diary: Fitzgerald McCleery, Vancouver 1862-1866)