I was off at 4, drove home, walked up Victoria among the Viet Cong, the Khmer Rouge and the lovely Lao... stopped into Value Village, browsed but did not buy, walked to 49th turned around and walked back to the RBC on Commercial and 1st. Turned around, walked to Famous Foods, bought yogurt, cheese and clementines. Listened half-heartedly to the voices in my head telling me to jump in front of the bus, chew the chicken bones and all and choke and die, walked to Price Smart and bought organic greens for 1/2 the price of anywhere else... limped home as my knees were aching... made salad for today... crept downstairs lay on the floor and watched Justified... overcome by sneezing fit, damn dander in the air... chest tight... eyes running. Slept until the morning...
first post of 2012, year of riding the tail of the dragon chasing the dragon and the dragon chasing you....
first post of 2012, year of riding the tail of the dragon chasing the dragon and the dragon chasing you....
I want to meet you for coffee.
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